Monday, January 29, 2007

14 Months Old

Boy…that was exhausting (And extremely fun too!). I’m talking about the 30 days from December 29th to January 29th. Or in Colin and Jake’s world, going from 13 months to 14 months old. The changes came at such speed this past month that it was hard to keep up with them!

The first and most visible of all the changes has taken place over the past week or so. Say it with me now….”The boys are walking!” That’s right, Colin started motoring around on two feet around 10 days ago and as recently as yesterday was able to sustain the upright position for a good 10 feet or so. Jake soon followed and takes those baby steps a little slower, but is still able to maintain his balance for a good stretch of land. This is still not their preferred mode of transportation and when push comes to shove they get down and crawl if they really want to get somewhere. But they both seem to enjoy this new-found skill and are practicing all the time.

As we mentioned last month, the boys definitely understand a lot more words than they are able to actually say. I’m sure there are studies upon studies about this somewhere out there and I’m not breaking any scientific ground here, but it is interesting to see how these guys develop language.

They can say the standards, “Mama” “Da-Da” “Baaa” (ball) “Hi” “Bye” and even mix in a little “Tout” (Scout) here and there. But ask them to point to their nose or brother or ask them if they want to go outside and they definitely understand you. This also leads to severe frustration - - more on Jake’s behalf than Colin’s - - because he knows words in his head and just can’t say them. So they’ll spend five minutes pointing and going “Uh, Uh, Uh”, while you go around picking different things up saying “This? You want this? How about this?” until you finally pick the right thing up. Meanwhile they give you a look like what took you so long? You adults aren’t so sharp are you??!

This past month has also shown a noticeable increase in their awareness of each other. They have these great moments that make us appreciate being the parents of twins. The chase game is the one that always gets me. I’ve been trying to get video of it, but can never catch it at the right time. Basically they both “think” their being chased by the other one and end up going in circles either around their highchairs or crawling around the coffee table. It’s so funny to see them giggle or squeal out when they come around a corner and the other one is there. They then go off in the opposite directions and run into each other at the other corner and laugh again.

There have been so many little changes in both of them this past month. They are now officially toddlers and have become little boys. In a blink of an eye they have transformed from 3:00 a.m. feedings and needing help to roll over to these little people that are able to melt your heart with a simple “Hi” when you walk into the room.


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