Seven Months Old
Colin and Jake celebrated the big seven months by taking a trip to Tahoe (see pictures). This little adventure marked the first of many milestones for the two of them….first extended car trip, first night away from their own bedroom, first time playing blackjack….you get the picture. With all these curveballs life and their parents kept throwing at them, they kept responding with a little “bring it on” attitude.
I’m assuming most new parents probably go through the same thing at the beginning and try to stay in that comfort zone as much as possible. Especially with twins, I think both of us didn’t want to stray too far from the normal “routine” in the thought that one or both couldn’t handle anything new. But this month especially, they were taken out of their element more and more and each time showed us that they are ready for something else. It’s such a little thing, but a trip to Target with the both of them and only one parent has the recipe for disaster if one starts to melt down. After a few of these small positive outings the boys got through to their cautious parents that everything was going to be OK. That’s not to say that these guys are two little angels every second of the day, but capping the month off with this Tahoe trip really helped get it into our heads that the show must go on and we can finally come out from the “early parent” haze. One thing is for sure, that as parents we can teach them all we want, but as this month proved sometimes it’s going to be them teaching us.
Raising these two guys is exhausting and poses so many challenges, but the returns have out gained any negatives. Let’s be honest, in those first few months it was hard to understand how anyone would ever have kids. Now being with them all day will still turn you to drinking by 5:00, but you are able to enjoy each moment with them. There is so much on the horizon for us and these two boys. Each month brings so many new things it’s hard to keep up. If month six was the month that they turned the corner, month seven was the one that the parents finally grasped that everything was going to be OK.