23 Months Old
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Before diving into the monthly recap we must first offer a mea culpa from the writing and editing staff here at the Four Boys and a Lady blog. As you can tell there is not an entry for Month 22 and in our opinion even the one for Month 21 kind of sucks. We offer our sincerest apologies for those of you waiting on every word from this blog (and at this point I think we’re talking to about five people!) and we strive to bring it back up to the standards to which you readers deserve. So with that…on to final month of this second year of Colin and Jake.
One of the very big reasons we haven’t been keeping up with the blog is because things are changing at such a hectic pace that we can barely keep up. Both of the boys have made such drastic changes in the past two months it’s been really unbelievable to sit back and think about for a once-a-month blog recap like this.
They have so many words in their vocabulary and we actively communicate with them now. They ask for things, albeit in choppy sentences, but still they are in the form of a sentence! But with this new found freedom and expression is the flip side – the frustration. Oh the frustration! There are things they want to say or do and when they can’t find the words or actions or God forbid you don’t understand what they are trying to say or do….watch out! If we are to believe what you read and hear about the terrible two’s and tantrums and there is something worse than this on the horizon, we’re in trouble!
As we mentioned in the last post, the boys have been going to day care four days a week. Everything has been going good and they come home with new stuff every day. You’ll catch them repeating some phrase or mimicking something and for the life of you can’t figure out what they are doing or where they learned that. Then you ask their teacher the next day and it’s part of some song they are singing or activity they’ve been doing.
We’ve also seen how having twins has helped in the day care situation. I don’t think too many kids would have grasped the sharing concept that is a must at day care so quickly other than twins. Sharing is a fact of life they have known since the day they were born (Colin didn’t quite grasp the concept in utero since he took all the food for nine months!). You still hear “Mine!” declarations from time to time, but taking turns and sharing certainly is in their repertoire.
The photo taking has been sporadic, but the Halloween holiday forced me to break of the camera…take a look at the Halloween 2007 gallery or their individual photos below.